Saturday, March 1, 2025

Lucky in Love Swoon Fest is HERE!

Today is the day! 
Our Lucky in Love Swoon Fest is here!

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As stated in our Lucky in Love 411 post, the main way to enter giveaways is by reviewing 2025 Swoony eligible books published between December 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025. All books MUST be read and reviewed in the month of March. Remember all reviews must be at least 100 words long. 

Below is the Rafflecopter you will copy and paste your review link into for the mystery box giveaways.

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We know that not everyone reviews the books they read. For that reason, we are going to be having weekly participation giveaways. We will be having daily posts that you can comment on either in our Facebook group or our Instagram page. Here's what we have planned...

Monday Munchies
Tuesday Trivia 
Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday Tropes 
First Line Fridays

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We will also be doing author interviews and character interviews for the authors who have signed up to have one of their books spotlighted. Some authors will be doing their own giveaways and have their own ways to enter. We will let you know what those are on the day we spotlight them. 

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Since we are going to be doing all kinds of things, we are NOT going to be able to use the @everyone feature in our Facebook group. Please make sure you visit either our FB group or Instagram page to see which authors are being spotlighted and what questions we'll be asking every day! 

Swoony Fans! This is going to be AMAZING! We hope you have as much fun participating as we did planning! And yes, we do have plans to do TWO more Swoon Fests this year! 

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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lucky in Love 411

Who's invited?

Why YOU... and YOU... and YOU... and YES! Even the little old lady down the street dancing around in her bathrobe! 😉

What are we doing?

Reading, reviewing, and spotlighting as many 2025 Swoony eligible books that have been published between December 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 as we can. 

Where can you find this FANTABULOUS event?

We will be hosting it on our blog and sharing posts to our social media.

When are we doing it?

March 1, 2025 to March 29, 2025. Winners will be announced shortly after.

Why are we doing this?

We have heard from readers and authors that they would like to have more interaction throughout the year. Our goal for Swoon Fest is to not only to interact with readers and authors, but to spotlight as many 2025 Swoony eligible books as possible. 

What do we have in store for you?

Author interviews, character interviews, reviews, giveaways, etc. We are still finalizing the little details.

What are the prizes going to be?

From us, the hosts, there will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place mystery boxes and bookish swag bags. 

There are also several authors who have signed up to be spotlighted that have agreed to put their own giveaways together. Prizes will vary but we do know signed books, ebooks, and gift cards will be among them. 

How do you win?

Reading and reviewing books during this time period is going to be the main way to enter. You're review will need to be at least 100 words. But there will be other ways to enter. We'll be using Rafflecopter to keep track of the entries. Basically, in order to win, you will need to participate in Swoon Fest. 

**PLEASE NOTE** The books MUST be published between December 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025. Books HAVE to be read and reviewed during Swoon Fest. Reviews that DO NOT meet this criteria will be removed. We want to make it fair for everyone who participates.  

We hope you're as excited as we are for our Lucky in Love Swoon Fest? 
Saturday, February 22, 2025

FAQs - Authors Edition

Hey Swoony Authors!

We have been getting a lot of questions about the Swoony Awards so we decided it was time to do an FAQ post.

Does sharing promo posts help authors?

Yes! We notice an increase in votes every time an author creates their own promo post or shares one of our posts.

Can you tag authors in your posts?

We do our best to tag authors in our posts on social media. If you see your name in our post but you haven't been tagged, please reach out to us with your information so that we can tag you. 

How many books can an author have nominated each year? 

All of your books you've released during the year can be nominated.

How many nominations do I need to have to make sure my book can move forward into Round 1 (R1)?

Starting in 2025, all books moving forward into R1 voting MUST have a minimum of 10 nominations. But keep in mind, the more nominations you have for your books, the better chance you will have to move into the official voting rounds. 

How many books can an author have in the official voting rounds?

To make it fair for all authors, we only allow ONE book per author to move forward into the official voting rounds. Your book with the most nominations will be the one that we use. 

How are the official voting rounds done? 

We will take the top 10 books in each category from the nomination round, which is done throughout the year, and move them forward into R1 voting. After R1 is completed, we will take the top 5 books and move them forward into R2 voting. After R2 is completed, we will take the top 3 books and move them forward into R3, which is the final round. To make it fair to all authors, each voting round will start at zero. 

Why didn't my book make it into the official voting rounds when it was praised and talked about by both authors and readers in various groups?

Unfortunately, we can't add a book into the official voting rounds if it didn't have enough nominations throughout the year. The Top 10 books in each category will be moving forward into R1 voting. 

Is there any way you can tell me where my book is at so if I need more nominations to move forward into R1, I can get more?

Unfortunately, no. We literally go through every single nomination and every single voting round and remove A LOT of duplicate votes. By telling authors where they are, they will in turn tell the voters this is how many I need, and the voters who have already voted will go and vote again. It causes more work for us because there are literally hundreds of authors and thousands of nominations/votes. 

Why are there so many categories?

We want to be able to highlight as many authors as we can each year. The more categories we have, the more authors we can highlight. But it's hard to find a balance between too little or too many categories. This will vary from year to year depending on whether or not we have enough books for each of the categories.

What if you've put my book in the wrong genre? 

If at any point you see that we have your book listed in the wrong genre, please let us know so we can correct it. We can't read every book that has been nominated. We do our best to research each book but sometimes we have to go off what Amazon and reviewers have labeled it. 

If you don't see an answer to questions you may have, please reach out to us and let us know!
Wednesday, February 19, 2025

2025 Swoony Awards Eligibility Guidelines

The Swoony Awards are a Reader’s Choice Award recognizing excellence in clean secular, wholesome romance. We wanted a way to show our appreciation to these awesome authors who write the kind of books that we love. It’s also a great way to find new books and a good go-to when looking for something fun to read.


-ONLY books PUBLISHED December 1, 2024 – November 30, 2025 are eligible.
-Intimacy: No sex, no/low closed door/fade-to-black, no/low innuendo, nothing crude or crass. G-PG13.
-Language: None/mild (No F words) nothing overly crude.
-Violence: Mild/low.
-Page Count: 100 pages or higher, anthologies are okay. No short stories. No collections.
-Age: Only Young Adult, New Adult and Adult. NO children’s or middle grade.
-Religious: No Christian Fiction (mild religious content will be allowed).

The Swoony Awards will not be accepting nominations from ghostwriters, scammers, book stuffers or click farmers. As we come across these "authors" they will be removed from the nomination list. If you are aware of any of these profiles, please let us know so I can have them removed.

While we check each book added to make sure it meets our eligibility requirements, we have not personally read every book on the list to verify the level of content. We allow books that generally fall between G-PG13 rated.

Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for your participation!

Award Hosts: 
Kathy from Bookworm Nation
Katie from Hiding in the Pages
Kathy Jo from KJ's Book Nook
Sunday, February 2, 2025

FAQs - Readers Edition

Hey Swoony Fans!

We have been getting a lot of questions about the Swoony Awards so we decided it was time to do an FAQ post. 

Can I nominate all year?

Yes! You have the option to nominate on Goodreads or our Google Form all year long. The links for each of these are on our pinned posts on Social Media.

Do I need to have a Goodreads account to vote during the nomination round?

No. We created the Google Form for those readers who don't have or want a Goodreads account.   

Where can I see a list of the nominations for the year?

You can see nominations on our Goodreads list here. Please keep in mind that these are only the books listed on Goodreads. We do have nominations coming through on our Google Form but unfortunately there is no way to share this list with voters. If you don't see a book on our Goodreads list, make sure you add it. 

Do I need to nominate a book if it's already on the list?

Yes! Starting in 2025, we are adding a minimum of 10 nominations for books to move forward to the official voting rounds. This means that there could be categories that don't have 10 books in Round 1. If you want to make sure your favorites move forward, make sure you nominate them!

Why do I see books on Goodreads doing well, but they don't make it to the first round of voting? 

We take totals from Goodreads AND Google. Sometimes a book may look like it's doing well on Goodreads but doesn't end up having enough votes to make it into the official voting rounds. 

Why are Christian Fiction books not allowed?

There are already a lot of awards out there for Christian Fiction. We want to highlight Secular Romance for those readers who love clean romance but want the religious elements left out of the books.

Why are there so many voting rounds?

The number of voting rounds was determined by you, the voters. We asked, you answered, and we listened.

Why are there so many categories?

We want to be able to highlight as many authors as we can each year. The more categories we have, the more authors we can highlight. But it's hard to find a balance between too little or too many categories. This will vary from year to year depending on whether or not we have enough books for each of the categories.

Some of the categories felt drastically different than alike. Are there subgenres that can be added?

Yes! As stated above, we want to be able to highlight as many authors as we can each year. Subgenres are a way we can do that. Rather than having hundreds of books in the Contemporary category, we can separate them into RomCom, Sports, Billionaire, American Hero, etc. Again, categories will vary from year to year depending on whether or not we have enough books for each of the categories.

Would it be too complicated to have a sentence blurb summary with each book title?

Yes! Please utilize the various bookish platforms to discover what each book you may be interested in is all about.

Why don't I see promo or group posts?

If you aren't seeing all the posts we share, please make sure you are following us on our Facebook and Instagram pages. We have been utilizing the @everyone in our Facebook group for important announcements so if you still aren't being notified, please check and change your settings. 

If you don't see an answer to questions you may have, please reach out to us and let us know!